
House Speaker Boehner Announces Resignation from US Congress

But she added that there are bigger priorities at the moment, with a government shutdown looming if Congress doesn’t pass a budget by the end of the month. For much of that time, he’s managed a fractious Republican majority that includes conservatives who at times have rebelled against his leadership.


“There was never any doubt about whether I could survive the vote”, he said.

A faction of conservative members say they won’t vote for a spending bill that continues to fund Planned Parenthood, after a series of videos released by an anti-abortion group this summer showed nonchalant talk of altering abortion procedures to obtain different fetal tissue to donate for medical research.

Earlier reports had said that Mr Boehner was planning a private meeting yesterday with House members to propose a strategy to avoid a U.S. government shutdown while separately sending legislation defunding Planned Parenthood to Mr Obama’s desk.

Hibbing believes Republicans will work quickly to select a new speaker before the next House session begins in January.

Boehner’s second in command, Rep. Kevin McCarthy from Bakersfield, is seen as the most likely person to be the next speaker, though some Tea Party Republicans do not consider him sufficiently conservative.

“They won’t compromise and you can’t govern if you can’t compromise”, Bullock said.

“For over four years, Speaker Boehner has been a dedicated public servant and while we haven’t always agreed we’ve had nothing but respect for one another”.

“I am confident that with the Speaker’s resignation, our conference will come out of this stronger, more united and more effective”, Zeldin said in a statement. “That a young man from Reading, Ohio wielding a bar towel could one day wield the gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, it reminds us of the continuing promise of this country”. “I will miss my friend”.

House Speaker John Boehner says it’s his time, and he will step down at the end of October.

“Him filing that motion was meaningful and that there was a real issue and something behind it. There was a force behind that, but I don’t know how much this means for him in terms of moving up the leadership”, said Kypriotis.

“It was stunning, it was selfless on the part of Speaker Boehner”, Sensenbrenner said.

Todd Rokita and Marlin Stutzman simply thanked Boehner for his service and wished him well in the future.

However, it’s uncertain how much support he’ll have even from within his own state.


Boehner, 65, became speaker in 2011 following a Republican victory in the 2010 midterm Cp Congressional elections.

John Boehner resigns with a tune and explains why he cried during the Pope's