
Households To Get Letters To Apply For Water Grant

The Opposition yesterday accused the Coalition of presiding over a “farce” and being at “sixes and sevens” on the issue after it was claimed by some in Labour that Minister for Finance Michael Noonan had earlier overruled Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly on linking the grant to bill payment.


Grant system The Department of Environment and the Department of Social Protection both officially said there were no immediate plans to change the grant system but senior sources have confirmed this was under active consideration.

It is understood that the measure is being considered following Eurostat’s recent findings on Irish Water.

“Up to now you merely had to register with Irish Water, you didn’t actually have to pay your bill to get the €100, but the moves the Government are considering would mean that only people who have paid their bills will get the money”, he said.

The Government is also looking at significantly extending the period for which the existing water charges caps will apply, according to the Irish Times.

And the new measures are unlikely to come into force before 2016 as the 2015 will be paid out from next month.

After the EU group’s ruling that Irish Water must remain on the exchequer’s books, and its swipe at the grant in particular, it appears a number of Government TDs have now given up on the argument – this time with one eye on the safety of their own Dáil seats. This year alone it will actually lose €70m on water charges.

Mr Ellis said that Sinn Féin’s position is that Irish Water should be abolished, and the Government should take the message of all of the water protests on board.

The Dublin North West deputy said Irish Water was not the correct choice for the supply of water in Ireland.

Over the past 24 hours Irish Water has caused yet more havoc for the Coalition after reports that the “water conservation” grant – seen by some as little more than a bribe – would only be given to people paying their bills.


Sinn Féin’s Dessie Ellis has also criticised the reported decision, saying Irish Water has been “one fiasco after another”.

Irish Water claims the meters&#039 main purpose is to find leaks