
Houses in Yorkshire shaken by sonic boom

Confirmation from RAF that loud bangs heard across county were sonic booms from RAF Typhoon jets.


People reported hearing what sounded like two loud explosions which were later confirmed to have been sonic booms.

The aircraft were launched from RAF Coningsby, in Lincolnshire, and helped guide the aircraft to a safe landing, the air force added.

There are unconfirmed reports a civilian plane has been escorted to Newcastle Airport by RAF jets. “Communications were re-established and the aircraft has been safely landed”.

It is normal for Quick Reaction Alert Typhoons to be given Authority to break the sound barrier over land when scrambled & to be heard!

Air France confirmed that the unresponsive plane had been one of their aircraft but it later landed safely guided by the Typhoon jets.

Various reports of Sonic Booms coming in from the Doncaster/Leeds areas as the QRA Typhoons went over.

As the jets raced to intercept the “unresponsive civilian aircraft”, houses across Doncaster shook, people were woken and auto alarms set off as the deafening booms rumbled through the skies.

If you heard the sonic boom, comment below or on the HDM Facebook page.

Residents of Yorkshire in England say their houses shook as RAF jets flew towards a “rogue” civilian plane. “Typhoon had me out of my bed”.

Air France tweeted that Flight AF1558 had experienced “a radio communication problem” and was “accompanied by two British fighters aircraft according to the procedure”.


However, the noise did cause a lot of concern. “Safety of clients & crew is an absolute priority”.

The RAF Typhoon jets were scrambled from RAF Coningsby