
How Castile told officer about gun key part of final moments

Allysza Castile said she and her brother took a required gun safety class together previous year. Castile’s mother, Valerie Castile, says she was ecstatic to get the president’s call.”I am devastated”, she said.The two St. Anthony police officers involved, Jeronimo Yanez and Joseph Kauser, were placed on administrative leave after Castile’s shooting.


Reynolds’ 4-year-old daughter was also inside the vehicle when Castile was shot.

Allysza Castile said she usually leaves her gun at home.

Roseville Police Chief Rick Mathwig said his officers were on scene at the Philando Castile shooting last week.

She said when she is pulled over and has her gun, she tells officers she has a firearm and gun permit, which is a wallet-size card that she shows with her license and registration.

Obama also spoke of Philando Castile during a memorial service in Dallas later Tuesday. “It hurt me … to hear the governor of Minnesota saying that Mr. Castile did not receive CPR”, he says. His girlfriend, Lavish Reynolds, streamed the immediate aftermath of the incident on Facebook Live, and the footage prompted outrage and protests across the United States. “As we proceed in this matter, my responsibilities are on the civil side”, Hatchett said, adding she will be closely monitoring the criminal side. She said the fact that Castile was stopped by police at least 52 times should be investigated.

“(The officer) took $40 out of his own billfold and gave it to her”, he told CNN. “The subject was shot multiple times and did not survive his injuries”.

St. Anthony is a suburb north of St. Paul.

Hatchett says Castile was profiled because of his race.

Yanez’s lawyer, Tom Kelly, told KARE that Castile was not a suspect in any robbery, but said the officers “had a reasonable suspicion he may match the description of the suspect in the earlier robbery”. “I am devastated, but. he the driving force in me to make sure this doesn’t happen to another mother”.

Black people are killed without second thoughts because the police say they do not have equal rights with whites and are second-class citizens.

Hatchett promised to sue the individuals responsible for Castile’s death and intends on asking Attorney General Loretta Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to closely examine the shooting.


“When they were in the vehicle, that’s what they did – they’d get in the auto with [the gun] in the pocket, on the hip, whatever, take it off, out of the purse – into the glovebox”, she said. “Everyone needs to be together, not apart”, he said.

What we learned | Judge Hatchett addresses Philando Castile's case