
How clinical research is exploring ways to train a cancer

“The pink uniforms are for October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we wear them to support all breast cancer and survivors and we’ve always done them through the school”.


From pink ribbons on the field to players wearing pink sneakers and towels, the league celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month by allowing players to wear pink. The number of mammogram tests he is giving, 53, is a tribute to his own mother, who died of the disease at age 53.

This year the department continues to wear their pink shirts to raise as much money as possible to keep making a difference. Because of the deep personal connection to the form of cancer, Williams has dyed his hair pink, panted his toenails pink, and written about his family’s struggle with the disease.

Pittsburgh Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams has announced that he will cover the cost of 53 women’s mammograms in North Carolina, one for each year of his mother’s life.

Natalie Lloyd, fundraising officer at Breast Cancer Care, added: “We’re so grateful to Anne for holding a Big Pink event in aid of Breast Cancer Care”.

The NFL issued a statement saying, “there is a long-standing policy for all players regarding uniforms that is league-wide for all 32 teams”.

Williams went on to tell CBS that for him breast cancer isn’t just about October.

Waldo County General Hospital Coastal Maine Center for Breast Health was recognized in July as a Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence, the highest level of certification by the National Quality Measures for Breast Cancer (NQMBC).


When asked what it felt like to get that response, he told ESPN’s Lisa Salters: “The same way it made you feel after you heard it-like, man. He told me no”.

Staff from Curves gym in Workington who have filled October with fund-raising events for Breast Cancer Care