
How close to Russia Donald Trump actually is?

Another is that he’s such a careless speaker that it can sometimes be impossible to tell what he means.


Well he’s a bad president, Trump said in an interview with ABC7 Washington.

Donald Trump appeared on ABC’s This Week, hosted by George Stephanopoulos, and discussed some of his position on Russian Federation.

“While Trump hasn’t mastered basic facts about the world, he has mastered Putin’s talking points on Crimea”. He’s not going into Ukraine, OK?

That view runs counter to the Obama administration, which imposed economic sanctions against Russian Federation for annexing the territory in Ukraine two years ago. “What are the costs going to be to the United States, not just in Ukraine but also in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and also around the world?”

O’Reilly asked Trump to respond to Obama’s comments that Trump is unfit to be president.

“The person said but they’re already in Ukraine. And for Trump to both encourage that and to praise Putin despite what appears to be a deliberate effort to try to affect the election, I think, raises national security issues”. You have Obama there. “And frankly that part of the world is mess, under Obama”. When the Soviet Union split, Crimea remained under Ukrainian control, though it also hosted a major Russian naval base.

The problem, though, is that this clearly isn’t true.

“I’m going to take a look at it”. Appearing on NBC’s “Today” show on March 13, he said that the land grab – which Obama and top European leaders denounced as a gross violation of global law – “should never have happened”. Here are some comments in in 2015 (reported, incidentally, by CNN).

David Sanger is the chief Washington correspondent for the New York Times and author of Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power.

And he argued that the conflict over Crimea was the fault of the Obama administration, writing: “So with all of the Obama tough talk on Russian Federation and the Ukraine, they have already taken Crimea and continue to push”.

On ABC, Trump rebuffed the idea of financial ties to Russian Federation, saying he didn’t owe money to anyone in Russian Federation or, given his companies’ history of bankruptcies in the USA, had been forced to turn to banks or wealthy individuals there for financing. If there is no outcry about Trump’s behavior from responsible Republicans, the party will be setting a risky precedent that its members, not to mention the country, will come to regret.

The worst line in the Stephanopoulos interview isn’t the bit about Putin going into Russian Federation.

Putin has already exhibited his vision to restore Russian Federation to its former Soviet Union glory by the invasion of Ukraine and Georgia.

TRUMP: They only fear one thing, losing the election.

We have been documenting Donald’s alarming ties to and comments about Russian Federation, and have noted the contradictions in his assertions about whether or not he knows Vladimir Putin. If we don’t make this country great, it’s gonna fall.

The Republican presidential nominee has praised Putin, saying he was a stronger leader than U.S. President Barack Obama, a Democrat.

“So many people who I know and have worked with have been so adversely affected by the sanctions policy”, Page said in March. His statements amount to no more than former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has been saying ever since the invasion: “Nobody in the West has offered a concrete program to restore Crimea”.


Trump has also said he might withdraw United States troops from European and Asian countries if they failed to pay more for American protection. We know this because he’s even expressed personal admiration for Vladimir Putin. -Russian coordination against the Islamic State. It didn’t quite work: Putin is in Ukraine “in a certain way”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign town hall at Ocean Center in Daytona Beach Fla