
How Cruz won Iowa

Republicans who said they want a candidate who shares their values propelled Texas Sen. Tonight is a victory for courageous conservatives across Iowa and all across this great nation. Ted Cruz to victory on the GOP side, according to the entrance poll of those arriving at caucus sites conducted by Edison Research for The Associated Press and television networks. Bernie Sanders was tight, with a distinct age gap between their supporters. Among those who said so, Cruz won the support of more than 3 in 10 versus 2 in 10 for Trump or Rubio.


“There is now blood in the water for Donald Trump”, said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.

The huge number of votes achieved by the fiery Senator is the highest number ever achieved by a Republican candidate at an Iowa caucus.

Sanders counters with very liberal caucus-goers, independents, young people and first-time participants, according to preliminary exit poll results measuring initial preferences.

In remarks to her supporters, Clinton welcomed a “contest of ideas” with Sanders.

Voters at Republican caucuses indicated they were deeply unhappy with the way the federal government is working.

Polls showed Trump with a slight lead over Cruz headed into the caucuses Monday.

Given the enormous crises facing our country, it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics.

“They told me that I needed to wait my turn, that I needed to wait in line”, a pleased Rubio told his backers.

What the American people have said… is that we can no longer continue to have a corrupt campaign finance system…

Trump said that when he started the campaign, he was advised not to compete in Iowa because he couldn’t finish in the top 10.

Women, moderates, mainline Democrats and fans of President Obama’s policies were boosting Clinton in the Iowa caucuses. He’s behind Cruz, Trump, Rubio, Ben Carson and Rand Paul.

US presidential candidate Ted Cruz has won the Republican party contest in the Iowa caucuses, the first in the United States.

“Financial markets might be more comfortable with Hillary (Clinton) than Bernie (Sanders)”, said Sean Callow, a strategist at Westpac Bank in Australia.

Clinton has campaigned as a progressive who could get things done in a Washington split by an intense partisan divide.

Mrs Clinton is projected to walk away with 22 delegates and Mr Sanders with 21.

“This is the moment they said would never happen”.

A majority of caucus attendees who identified as Democrats came to support Clinton.


Conversation surrounding Bush has been mostly quiet and, when pundits do talk about him, it’s usually to mention how poorly his campaign is doing.

Caucus day in Iowa Feb. 1 2016