
How do Pokemon Go gyms work? Tips on battling and training

To interact with the gyms you (i.e. your character) have to be level five or above – not too hard a feat if you’ve played around with catching “wild” Pokemon.


Attempts to log-in to the app prompted a message from developer Niantic Labs saying its servers were “experiencing issues”.

Because this AR game is both brand new and radically different from anything that has gone before, many in the media are struggling to both understand the game and its social implications for their audiences.

More than a decade after the popular Nintendo game fell out of the mainstream; the new “Pokemon Go” game is free to download on smartphones with Apple or Android software.

Pokemon roam on the land or near the water, depending on their type-they could be rats, snakes, dragons, eggs, birds, trees, turtles and even birds.

I was just playing the new game that has swept the world this week, Pokemon Go.

Besides, it’s a nice bonus to find out that after chasing around a rare Pokemon, you accidentally walked that 3 miles you needed.

If you want to easily gain coins that you can use to purchase items in the game, you have to join a Pokemon gym as a trainer.

But the only way to avoid that, is to simply not play the game.

In a less amusing vein, one Pokemon Go enthusiast actually found a way of including the Auschwitz Memorial into the game, which quickly and appropriately stirred a tidal wave of anger. If you don’t know what augmented reality is, imagine that you’re looking through your camera when suddenly, a Pikachu appears on your desk.


As the game requires players to travel the world (or at least around their own city) in order to play it, some criminal-minded individuals have been using the game’s mechanics to trap and cheat the players. Often considered part of the “US” regions whenever platform games receive launches, the opposite is usually in play for mobile games. Google has verified that no other information has been received or accessed by Pokémon GO or Niantic.

Pokémon Go Launches in Europe