
How employers shift health costs to workers: High-deductible plans

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More than half of the midrange silver plans are boosting the out-of-pocket costs enrollees must pay, while more than 80% of the less-expensive bronze plans are doing so.

CMS is proposing to give issuers the choice of offering plans with standardized options such as cost-sharing.

Federal officials are pushing people to evaluate their options and consider switching plans to try to keep costs in check, in a message regularly summarized as shop and save.

Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal said that although the nation’s health reform has extended coverage to more Americans, health care still remains unaffordable for too many people. The company Thursday also cut its 2015 earnings forecast due to projected losses of $425 million on individual exchange plans for the 2015 and 2016 policy years.

Low-income people who receive subsidies will find the blow softened. But the fact that middle-class buyers face more hard choices carries major implications for the administration as it tries to make the law work after two initial tough enrollment periods.

More businesses in North Carolina have begun to offer their employees health insurance coverage, but this has only increased by a slight degree since 2010.

“I started out paying $133, then it went up to $183, and now it’s $278”, she said.

As Mountain States Health Alliance, based in Johnson City, and Wellmont Health System, based in Kingsport, prepare to merge, residents can expect to pay more to insurance companies, as the new system uses its power as a “must-have” system, Potter said.

“We had about 160,000 people in Pennsylvania just re-enroll past year, and we know they didn’t get the best pricing”, Englerth said.

The reason, according to BCBSNC, is that healthier individuals are avoiding the government plans, which require them to pay for 10 areas of coverage even when, as in the case of men being required to insure against pregnancy, they have no exposure to medical risk. For those enrolled in a plan through their employer or a state or federal Affordable Care Act marketplace exchange, this year’s open enrollment is November 15 through January 31. “United was very late in getting into the insurance exchange business”.

“It’s been awful”, said Deborah Whitman, a Blue Cross Blue Shield enrollee.

Forty percent of people with high deductibles relative to their incomes said they had not gone to the doctor when they were sick, had not gotten a preventive care test, skipped a recommended follow-up test, or had not gotten specialist care they needed because of their deductible. Also, according to BCBSNC, the Affordable Care Act actually increases the costs of insurance through new taxes, fees and mandated coverage benefits.


Employer-funded health insurance plans are simple. The number of insurers across the country has remained relatively steady, with new market entrants offsetting the abrupt exits of a few on
