
How Facebook’s new Donate Now button will help nonprofits

“Every day, people use Facebook to raise awareness and support for causes they care about and to motivate others to do the same”, a Facebook spokesperson told Mashable.


Facebook Donate Now button will be available for both Pages and link ads.

Facebook also places a disclaimer on that button advising its users that the donations are not associated with them.

Facebook[NASDAQ:FB] announced on Monday rolling out a new Donate Now button for the non-profit organizations.

We expect that it will be a while before the feature rolls out to everyone and when you can see it, so if helping out a charity, or if you are a charitable organization, then this is a feature that you’ll definitely want to keep an eye out for. Compared to the buttons introduced previously such as “Shop Now”, “Book Now or even the Donate button rolled out earlier, this one reportedly is different and takes you directly outside of the social network and no details are asked within the site”. At that time, it was limited only to a few partners like the American Cancer Society and The Red Cross.

Without the embedded payment processes, the button is really just a call-to-action link, which is valuable to these organizations’ advertisements I’m sure. This extends to the “Donate Now” button which simply redirects to the donation page on a company’s official site with a referrer tag in the URL. For people who discover a worthy cause through Facebook, it makes sense to be able to hand over some money through the same medium.


The call-to-action option has been introduced on link ads and pages.

Facebook Rolls Out Its “Donate Now” Button To Non-Profits