
How Hillary Clinton Is Using Her Taxes as a Political Weapon

Hillary and Bill Clinton earned £8.2 million previous year, according to a tax return released by her campaign in a bid to get Donald Trump to release his.


Clinton and her husband Bill, the former president, reported $10.6 million in income for 2015.

The Clinton campaign released the Clintons’ latest figures as well as ten years of returns for her running mate, Tim Kaine, and his wife Anne Holton.

Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri said in a statement the campaign continues “to set the standard for financial transparency”.

Hillary Clinton released her 2015 tax returns Friday, seeking to put additional pressure on Donald Trump to do the same.

Hillary Clinton also listed $1.475 million in gross income from speaking, and Bill reported $5.25 million in gross income from speaking.

Clinton releases tax return, blasts Trump for not doing so was posted in World of TheNews International – on August 13, 2016 and was last updated on August 13, 2016.

Then-President Richard Nixon released his tax returns in 1973, starting an informal precedent.

Their tax return showed that they paid $3.24 million in federal income taxes.

Clinton appeared to reject the Trump campaign’s defense, warning of the dangers of reckless language during a presidential race.

Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, and other conservatives have said Mr Trump’s refusal raises questions about his finances.

Tax experts speculate that Trump, by contrast, may pay little in taxes, or even no federal income tax at all.

Tax returns filed by the Clintons have been made public, in some form, for every year back to 1977.

Based on their 2015 returns, the Clintons don’t have that last problem, which may be partially why they feel comfortable using them as a political weapon.

“The way I see it, if you’re going to give a speech and get $225,000, it must be a really brilliant speech”, Sanders told a crowd at the University of IL in March.

The pair donated 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity over the course of the past 10 years. Buffet said that he too was under IRS audit and Trump is “afraid” not of the tax-collection agency but of voters. Hillary earned about $3m from book royalties.

Trump offered his economic vision in a speech in Detroit on Monday. He publicly named his economic advisers last week, which Clinton mocked as “six guys named Steve”.


Her bid for the White House forced Clinton to give up her primary source of income: paid speeches.

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