
How Microsoft Corp (MSFT) Killed Sony (SNE) at E3 – Project Scorpio

Sony has previously said the new console will be a more powerful version of the PS4. Now, Sony has finally locked down a concrete release date.


Sony started taking pre-orders for the Playstation VR HMD in March.

PlayStation VR will likely dominate the show, especially given that it launches later this year.

VR-optimized titles planned for PlayStation VR include “Farpoint”, “Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing VR Mission”, and “Batman: Arkham VR”.

A fan experiences PlayStation VR during the PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference at The Shrine Auditorium on June 13, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.

Microsoft also announced a number of new games at the conference, including Gears of War 4 and Forza Horizon 3.

Microsoft wanted to alert consumers that they are not behind on updates, and that Sony will not have the only gaming systems that are virtual reality and 4K capable.

According to House, the company will continue to sell the PlayStation 4 even after the PlayStation 4.5 is released.

When it comes to games, we’re also bound to see more of Horizon: Zero Dawn and maybe a bit more from No Man’s Sky since it was recently pushed back. They are crafting one console that can do what two Sony consoles can.

The VR Aim controller is not available yet, and is completely optional.


House also revealed the prices for PlayStation VR games and said many will be in the $20 to $40 range, although some games may be less and some may cost more. House revealed that the company is now working on a new PlayStation console with 4K resolution capability. During the first week of June, the electronics giant gave away its virtual-reality headsets for free to anyone who bought one of its phones.

PlayStation 4.5 A Reality, But Won't Be Coming To E3