
How Nintendo’s Pokemon Go is giving tough competition to Facebook, Twitter

“Why limit it?” John Hanke, chief executive of Niantic, which developed Pokemon GO jointly with Nintendo affiliate Pokemon Company, told Reuters in an interview on Friday.


SurveyMonkey further says that the game brought in “just under 21 million daily active users in the United States” in a single day, surpassing Twitter and going neck and neck with Snapchat and Google Maps.

In the game, players walk around real-life neighbourhoods to find virtual cartoon or Pokemon characters on their smartphone screens.

In March, the Kyoto-based creator of Super Mario and Donkey Kong released its first mobile game “Miitomo” – a free-to-play and interactive game that allows users to create avatars – as it tries to compete in an industry that has increasingly moved online. “The reason is VR separates you from people, while AR augments your interactions with people”. “It’s one of the strongest Pokemon”, Bellamy said.

Developer Niantic has acknowledged the fact that many players unknowingly granted the Pokemon Go developer full access to their Google account (meaning they can access nearly everything except user passwords); however, the rumors that Niantic can now utilize your Google email and send emails on your behalf is false.

Noticing people playing the game on the street in Fall River, Massachusetts on Sunday, an officer on patrol jumped in to join them. We will make it available to more countries in the coming days.

Some analysts see Pokemon Go’s success as a big lift for artificial reality, which has yet to live up its hype.

“Pokemon GO fans, as we continue to make Pokemon GO available to countries around the world, we can not thank you enough for your support”, a recent message from the developer reads. So we recommend not playing this game on iOS (if you can stand it), until the issue is fixed.

Experiences like his suggest “Pokemon Go” could be the “Angry Birds” of augmented gaming.


Some noble and not-so noble test subjects on Reddit report that, rather than simply locking you out of the game, Pokemon Go turns cheaters’ worlds into cold and lonely places. The game was the most downloaded free app on Apple’s app store, and Nintendo shares surged almost 25 per cent on Monday.

Pokemon Go what you need to know