
How the Iowa Caucuses Became a Big Deal

The caucuses are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. I suggest arriving by 6:30. Ohio Gov. John Kasich ditched Iowa over the weekend, heading to New Hampshire for a head start on campaigning for the primary. For Democrats, Monday’s caucuses are the first step of a multi-step process of winning delegates to the party’s national convention.


In Iowa, you can register to vote right up till caucus day, and many do.

On the Democratic side, a very close race is possible given the demographics of the state.

On the Democratic side, here’s how the Iowa Caucuses work: People in one precinct will all gather at a community center and they will debate each candidate.

In many ways, what will be most interesting is not who wins the Iowa caucuses but who comes in third.

To better follow along with what can be a confusing process, here are six things to know about the USA primaries. Registration is available for both parties on caucus night.

After an hour of hearing candidates’ volunteers make their case about why they should vote for them, the precincts hold an unofficial ballot as a test of opinion, called a “straw vote”, so-named because you can tell which way the wind is blowing by looking at a field of straw. One of the top reasons given was people do not think their vote matters. Caucuses also use the meetings to conduct other party business, such as selecting delegates. Remember, you have to be a registered Republican to participate in a Republican caucus, and a registered Democrat to participate in the Democratic caucus. It may be a strategic vote.

“For Democrats, this anger is about income inequality, the shrinking middle class and Barack Obama, who was not as progressive as some wanted”. That can allow an underdog candidate a chance to seize the popular imagination, as a certain IL senator did in 2008, but in general Iowa’s caucuses have a mixed record of nominating the eventual victor. The RNC was not happy with Paul’s delegates’ large wins in other states either.

The Iowa Democratic Party says there will be a total of 1,406 state delegates.

And going big picture here: Just how good are the super-early states at predicting the ultimate candidate?

Where Do Candidates Go Next? . They’ll get to vote, but in weird, inconsistent fashion.

Candidates who fail to reach a 15 percent “viability” threshold are eliminated, and the surviving campaigns try to scoop up the orphaned voters.

Iowa also has a history of rejecting the frontrunners of each political party.

And, most importantly, what the hell is a caucus? Candidate would then receive delegate support in each state proportionally to the result of the primary vote.

Among Republicans, we have the showman, the ideologue and the next-generation man. Among Democrats: the avowed socialist who wants a democratic “revolution” and the avowed progressive/realist who says she wants to… On the other hand Republicans are more straightforward. The first four states to go – Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada – are not bound by rules of allocation and can choose any method of allocation.

But as Putnam points out it doesn’t necessarily work out that way.

Entering Monday night, the polls painted a confusing picture. It will take 1,237 to win the nomination. This presumably gives an establishment candidate a leg up, according to RealClearPolitics. Only Vermont, which sent the self-avowed Democratic Socialist Sanders to the U.S. Senate in the first place, could rival those numbers.


A caucus is a much different animal – especially if you’re a member of Iowa’s Democratic Party. The campaign trail spans more than 50 states and territories, yet all the attention focused on one caucus is unreasonable. In the end, Obama had secured enough superdelegate support, and Clinton conceded defeat.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump poses with a ring given to him by a group of veterans in Des Moines Iowa on Thursday January 28. Trump skipped the latest GOP debate in favor of a campaign rally where he announced that he had raised more