
How the Iranian internet lit up with euphoria after deal

“The foreign minister and the president also talked about the important bilateral relationship that exists between the United States and Saudi Arabia, and there was a discussion about how to further enhance that close and longstanding partnership”. As HuffPost’s Akbar Shahid Ahmed reported, the Americans’ families have spent months advocating for their release, and the Obama administration says it raised their cases consistently when it met with Iranian nuclear negotiators. The rest of us are merely “infidels” to the religious dictators who are looking to revive their Hidden Mahdi through nuclear destruction and I would give this agreement a big thumbs-down.


Al-Jubeir said his country was “looking at this agreement and we will be studying it, and we are discussing it with our friends in the United States“. Ben Cardin, D-Maryland, wrote in a letter to President Barack Obama. “Numerous restrictions that were supposed to prevent it from getting there will be lifted”, he said in a speech at the start of a meeting with Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders on Tuesday. “That’s why I think it would be better for them not to do it that way”. He suggested the White House may believe it lived up to the “spirit of the law”.

Tillis: “Well, I think it’s fascinating the president has already said any alternatives we suggest, he would veto”.

Khamenei said that Iran was still at odds with USA policy in the Middle East, adding that the agreement would not alter the country’s support for the Syrian and Iraqi governments nor the Palestinians and “oppressed people” in Bahrain and Yemen, where Tehran is accused of backing Houthi rebels.

When asked by Holt whether the Israeli prime minister would be making “that point” to the U.S. Congress and lobbying members, Netanyahu said he was willing to speak to anyone who would listen. Why would anyone want Iran to have weaponized nukes ready to go? In return, Iranians can look forward to a gradual easing of sanctions that have had a brutal effect on their economy.


“By solving the artificial crisis about its nuclear program diplomatically, a new opportunity for regional and global cooperation has emerged”, Zarif said. “Congress is going to have to decide if that’s what they get”. Now that an agreement has been reached, Congress has a solemn duty to thoroughly review it before making a decision.

The fine print: What you need to know about the Iran deal