
How the Trans-Pacific Partnership will affect India’s foreign trade

Environmental groups have condemned the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal after news broke overnight that 12 “Pacific rim” countries, including Australia, have successfully concluded the final round of a five year negotiation.


Fishing industry to benefit from elimination of import tax on shrimp, squid and tuna, now averaging 6.4%-7.2%.

The Chief Justice of the Australian High Court has also expressed concern, in a paper canvassing the issues that Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanisms might throw up.

They may even be better to highlight the TPP’s actual irrelevance in the future of trade, which will mostly be about trade in services such as tourism, financial, health and education, rather than trade in physical goods and commodities.

He’s previously said Labour can’t go along with TPP, without that.

Cutting the tariff on cherries and other tree fruits is “very beneficial and that translates back here at home to more jobs, more production, more investment in technology”, said Mark Powers, vice president of the Northwest Horticultural Council in Yakima. And of course the pact has already become the subject of criticism, targeted specifically at how it handles pharmaceuticals and intellectual property.

“In all, the pressure on India to adopt “TPP-type” rules in its trade policies is expected to increase over time”, Dr Palit opined.

The remarks have prompted speculation that China could actually apply to join, although most analysts consider that unlikely, citing the high level of state control over the economy.

Breitbart News also reported that within part of Obama’s trade deal, there is a controversial immigration chapter within the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA)-also leaked by WikiLeaks-that allegedly changes current USA immigration law, according to expert analysis.

Reduced import duties in the USA and Japan will benefit country’s apparel manufacturers, whose low labor costs have enabled them to grab business from China.

Because of trade barriers and unfavorable regulations in most developing economies, American insurers’ presence overseas has been concentrated in the European Union and Japan. Malaysia, a 5 percent boost.

But China s response has been measured, underlining what many see as confidence in cementing its own economic deals in the Pacific.

President Barack Obama gave the clearest indication about the TPP’s role in the world this week when he said: “When more than 95 percent of our potential customers live outside our borders, we can’t let countries like China write the rules of the global economy”.

“Absolutely disappointing, I thought the United States had a once in a 10-year opportunity to restructure dairy trade, but they chose to play defence”, he said.

Much of the early debate around the TPP trade agreement centres on whether Canada should be part of it, or cling to the status quo.

As for Japan, its all-important $538 billion auto industry will receive a huge shot in the arm.

The country has been “particularly proactive” in promoting regional economic integration, a “long-term trend unlikely to be altered by the signing of the TPP”, she added. Now, the USA and Mexico have pulled up to a table for 12 – including Canada, if we are willing. “I have a plan to build on the progress we’ve made under President Obama and do just that”, Clinton said.


The geopolitical dimension of TPP is as important as the economic impact. “It’s kind of hard to be for or against something you haven’t read”, he said.

Obama at TPP talks