
How to install the new iOS 10 and macOS Sierra public betas

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APPLE HAS RELEASED the second public betas of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra ahead of a full rollout of the operating systems later in the year. Apple had actually released a total of five beta versions in the past couple of months before being able to release the completed public version.

This will begin to upgrade your software to iOS 9.3.3, which is the latest version and is available on the iPhone 4S or later, iPad 2 or later and fifth generation iPod Touch. There was a lot of extensive testing, as this is the final version of iOS 9 before September’s release date of iOS 10.

Apple and Google both released patches for the respective exploits, but millions of Android users are still at risk because they can’t get the updates.

A new report by ChristianTimes confirms that no public jailbreak has been released yet for iOS 9.2, iOS 9.2.1, iOS 9.3, iOS 9.3.1, iOS 9.3.2, or ioS 9.3.3. The update for the new iOS contains a thorough revamping of some apps, such as the iMessages, the Apple Music and the Photos.

Fortunately, it looks like Apple has learned the error of its ways and has offered users a way to make Touch ID work like it did under iOS 9.

The second beta for the iOS 10 also brings with it some small tweaks and fixes for bugs, for iOS devices supported by the system. Siri is now also capable of shutting down your Mac device.

Quartz did the math, estimating how many iPhones out there aren’t yet updated, and found that at least 97 million are running iOS 8 or earlier, and are vulnerable to this kind of attack.

However, the group showed an iOS 10 jailbreak demo during the event that led to speculations that an iOS 9.3.2 or iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak tool will soon arrive.


If you’re an iPhone or Mac user, then it’s especially important that you update to the latest version of iOS (9.3.3) and OS X (El Capitan 10.11.6) as a serious security flaw has been revealed. A couple of other hackers have claimed to have jailbroken iOS 10, but no one has released anything, so we can’t really hope for much.

Should You Upgrade to iOS 9.3.3, a Security Patch? Take a Look!