
How to score the best deals on Cyber Monday

On Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday combined, $4.47 billion was spent online, a new record and up 18% from previous year.


This year also marks a change in how online sales are offered, i.e. we’ve been seeing ads in our inboxes for at least a month now offering mark downs on products.

“Despite ongoing mixed retail and consumer spending trends overall, online spending appears to be a bright spot, as more consumers turn to online retail websites and apps for holiday shopping”, Baird analyst Colin Sebastian wrote in a note Monday morning.

Duluth Pack is offering bundles for the first time this year, which means they are bundling together a bunch of products and selling them at a discounted rate.

“We are having specials from Black Friday, Thanksgiving Day, and the entire week to the end of this week”, said Monze Garcia, customer service for Best Buy.

It’s a way to give a gift to yourself: the Christmas spirit.

But the cyber shopping didn’t start Monday. Famous online retailer GeekBuying too has decided to make the most of the day with the Cyber Monday sale.

But once again, it was a victory for e-commerce, which saw sales take a punchy increase of over 21%, with Adobe reporting that email promotions drove 25% more sales than past year. Hitting both online and brick and mortar stores staggered in at third with only 13 percent of the vote, and finally physical stores only managed to grab up a meager 3 percent of the vote.

Ten years after the term was coined for shoppers who returned to work (and high-speed internet) after the Thanksgiving weekend only to continue their shopping, digital deals extend throughout the holiday season.

National sales show more people are shifting from shopping in stores to online. Also, by shopping clearance at online stores like Urban Outfitters or Forever 21, you’ll be able to save a few bucks for an item more worth your money. The company does about 10 percent of its sales year-round online. The usual Cyber Monday 30 percent off everything coupon I’d get from White House Black Market came last week to catch early shoppers.


Market researchers from the Adobe Digital Index reported sales of over $3 billion (2.83 billion euros) on Cyber Monday, or a 12 percent increase year-on-year.

Cyber Monday 2015 Here are some of today’s best deals