
How to watch the Republican National Convention

The votes came near the end of a marathon 14-hour session of the rules committee to set any changes ahead of next week’s convention to officially nominate Trump as the Republican presidential candidate.


Then, they soundly rejected the proposal from the Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, the leader of the unbind delegates movement, to let delegates vote their “conscience”. “One of them who has been a Trump supporter since January – he said, ‘I can not believe what I’m seeing.’ They were using signal signs”.

Steel called the Pence pick “the smartest decision Trump made since he chose to run for president”. The fact that the RNC and its apparatchiks were intent on squashing a mere opportunity for delegates to consider the question tells you how entangled they are with Trump right now.

He turned to Twitter to get his message across to his 9.72 million followers.

“They were people who have super PACs, who still were trying to get over the fact that Donald Trump had beaten them”.

The convention will wrap with Trump finally taking the podium on the final night of the event.

It might seem unusual for a popular Republican governor to be absent from the line-up, but Kasich has yet to endorse Trump.

Late Thursday night, when the political world was consumed by yet another terrorist attack, as well as the last-minute confusion of Donald Trump’s vice presidential rollout, the #NeverTrump movement died its last death. On the other side was party loyalists and Trump backers.

Not only did the panel turn back the effort to declare delegates unbound, it passed language stating that delegates are bound to the outcomes in their states, by a vote of 87-12, the vote referenced by Trump in his tweet. The “minority report.” as it’s known, will allow them to be recognized on the floor of the convention. That move also failed. “I figure that they do have the votes to bring the rules to the floor”.

Trump’s positions on immigration and trade – the cornerstones of his insurgent campaign – have officially been codified into the GOP’s guiding policy document.

However the Times also reported that the Trump campaign did indeed invite Tebow.


“Yesterday, today – we had the votes”, Spicer said. I’ve … never seen a campaign manager celebrate at the expense of elements of his own party base in the middle of a national campaign, but hey.

Trump makes it official: Mike Pence is his running mate