
How to Watch the Rio 2016 Olympics Online

If you live in the US, you can not see the opening ceremonies live online. It’s also integrating voice search into the system.


For the first time, NBC is also offering some events in virtual reality through Samsung’s Gear VR headset. NBC Olympics executive producer Jim Bell described the foray into virtual reality as experimental.

Well, that’s problematic. As far as the Olympics is concerned, the deal is: if you have a cable TV subscription, you’ll be fine.

About 75 percent of the advertising revenue NBC generates will come from ads aired during primetime on NBC, with Winters stating the network is already sold out of “premium inventory”. NBC is also setting up speciality channels for both basketball and soccer, although those sports will also be shown on other networks. In fact, NBC expects the Rio Olympics to be the most profitable in history.

NBC’s over-the-air network remains the primary destination, though.

In between those two dates, will be 6,755 hours of programming including swimming, gymnastics, track, basketball and more. Con: You won’t see anything live. Some TiVo models give you online access to your recordings. Here’s a full breakdown of what exactly each channel will be playing as well as a schedule of events by day.

Unfortunately, you need to be a cable subscriber to watch live coverage on the NBC Sports app or The networks involved include NBC, Telemundo, Bravo, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC Sports Network, the Golf Channel, NBC Universo and USA Network. On 10 of the 15 days, MSNBC will air Olympic programming from noon to 5 p.m.

Available in multiple languages including Portuguese, Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and of course English, the app has the most up-to-date information on the schedule and results, medals, sports, athletes and teams, venues, maps and spectators guides.

The NBC broadcast network itself is part of the basic Sling Blue package, but is available only in the Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Hartford, Conn., Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Diego and Washington markets.

The catch is you must watch everything in real time.

The Telemundo Deportes app has Telemundo’s coverage to go.

Vue acts more like a cable service by giving you sign-in privileges for video and VR.

Watching the Olympics without cable is easier than ever, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some hurdles that need jumping.

Pro: Sling TV or PlayStation Vue can get you access to virtually all the Olympics coverage, and you have some options to pick the networks you want.

Not quite. Despite having enough sport to shake a stick at, it won’t mean blanket coverage on the NBC’s main channel.

Please note – NBC will require you to sign in via your pay TV account. Again, these will be offered with a one-day delay. NBC isn’t directly involved with either the 4K or VR production, but will rely on global feeds provided by the worldwide Olympic Committee’s Olympic Broadcasting Services. So while NBC’s announcers cover an event live on television, with an online simulcast, NBC’s website and app will usually carry the global feed.


“There was a time when there was some validity to the critique that some of the athlete profiles were a bit over the top – too much hearts and flowers, too many violin strings”, Costas said”.

Lester Holt from Rio