
How Trump and Sanders Broadened Their Bases in New Hampshire

Kasich has stood out in the 2016 presidential field for a message that is rooted in the “compassionate conservative” ethos, which helped propel George W. Bush to the White House. Coming in second behind Trump was Ohio Governor John Kasich, a result that surprised many. Cruz finished third, trailed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in fourth, Florida Sen. He will make a decision on next steps Wednesday, WNYC’s Matt Katz reports.


As polls closed, her campaign manager Robby Mook blasted out a memo touting Clinton’s strength with Hispanics and black voters and arguing that a Democrat can not win the presidency without support from those constituencies.

New Hampshire voters famous for the independent streaks ran to their polarized corners to deliver landslide wins for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The Clinton campaign dismissed the potential results in the state during the runup to the primary, saying that Sanders was from a neighboring state. “Once you get to the winner-take-all states, then it’s about winning”.

New Hampshire has 8 superdelegates, 6 of which are committed to Hillary Clinton, giving her a total of 15 delegates from New Hampshire as of Wednesday at 9 a.m.

But New Hampshire also has eight superdelegates.

So, too, did Bernie Sanders, who will leave New Hampshire with the commanding victory one might expect of a front-runner blessed with the near universal favor of his party.

A strong ground game. First, Mr. Trump is the candidate they fear the most because they cannot buy or control him and they worry he could lead the GOP to a devastating general election defeat.

There’s another, less official GOP victor tonight: Kasich.

“Inside Fox there is confusion about what role the network should play in this altered media ecosystem going forward. They said that the race was now a three-person race between two freshmen senators and a reality TV star”, Bush said. Kasich asked a crowd of supporters.

Christie had poured much of his campaign’s resources into New Hampshire and had considered a good showing there critical. Held more than 100 events and 80 town halls.

In a shift, Rubio had a 44-minute free-flowing conversation with reporters on his campaign plane en route to Greenville.

I can’t thank you enough. Our disappointment is not on you.

Rubio conceded that the debate may have hurt him in Tuesday’s contest and pledged to supporters that his poor performance “will never happen again”. He, like many others, had pinned their hopes on New Hampshire. Overall, Trump won 63 percent of their votes.

“The pundits had it all figured out on Monday night when the Iowa caucuses were complete”, Bush said.

But just as they can pick who they want, superdelegates can also change their minds.

The Democratic race is headed for a reset.

Their wins Tuesday sent the confounding campaign on to SC after a chastening night for Democrat Hillary Clinton and a muddled one for the legions of anti-Trump Republicans pining for someone to rise from the pack and take him down.

There were 24 delegates to be allocated out of the New Hampshire Democratic primary, based on the vote statewide and by congressional district. GOP leaders quickly coalesced behind mainstream alternative Bob Dole, the former Republican Senate leader who went on win the nomination. Sanders, who says he is a democratic socialist, underscores the public’s anger with the current political and economic system.

“And that is that the government of our great country belongs to all of the people, and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors and their “super PACs”.

Democrats fretted early on in Clinton’s candidacy about her high negatives in polls.

The large Republican field was winnowed after Iowa, but there remains a crowded grouping of more traditional candidates, including Rubio and the governors.

The candidates themselves each talked about a new day in the race: Bush because he got a second wind (or at least a breeze) and Rubio because he needs to pull off a comeback.

“The March states represent an opportunity to build a coalition of support that’s as diverse as the Democratic Party itself”, Mook wrote.


Clinton consistently polls better among African-American voters and has a long history of support for civil rights. “A lot of them”.

Back to the Drawing Board for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio