
How Will Ramsay Die on Game of Thrones?

If you haven’t watched the latest’s episode and are for some reason still reading, Sansa’s letter came after an argument with Jon Snow about how they didn’t have enough soldiers to take back Winterfell from Ramsay Bolton.


Do not read on if you have not seen Game of Thrones season six, episode seven.

When Jon Snow (Kit Harington) wanted to attack Winterfell with a much smaller army than Ramsay Bolton’s (Iwan Rheon), Sansa was concerned. Who does she send her desperate raven to contact?

It’s widely believed by fans that Sansa’s letter is linked to her secret connections to Littlefinger, but it wasn’t known for sure who she was writing to. The finale is 69 minutes long which makes it the longest “Game of Thrones” episode ever. Reddit user CreepyPancakes used Photoshop to flip, zoom and enhance a still shot of Sansa writing the letter to take a peek at its contents. She refuses until Ser Davos speaks to her, showing he can relate to being unexpectedly in a position of power. I have every confidence Littlefinger will bring the Knights of the Vale to Winterfell, and he probably has marched them well north of Moat Cailin by now in anticipation of this very turn of events. A fan just figured out what it says, and the method was pretty ingenious. Lord Petyr Baelish. Littlefinger tried once to serve Sansa after claiming to have realized his mistake. “Lend us your aid and I shall see that you are well rewarded”. She may even have a scheme to put the Knights of the Vale under the Blackfish’s command in the battle.

And in that same moment, Littlefinger suggests Sansa seek out her great uncle Brynden “Blackfish” Tully and his forces for a time when she might need an army loyal to her and not her “half-brother’s army” of Wildlings.


This week’s episode, titled “No One”, airs on Sunday, June 12, at 9 p.m. on HBO.

Sansa Stark's letter