
HRC: Huckabee campaigning on hate with transgender answer

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee entered Thurs. night’s first presidential debate of the 2016 race in fourth position in the aggregate of national polls.


“The military is not a social experiment, the objective of the military is to kill people and break things”, Huckabee said. The goal is to protect America.

“I’m not sure how paying for transgender surgery – for soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines – makes our country safer”, he said.

HRC President Chad Griffin was quick to respond, tweeting, “Mike Huckabee is fundamentally wrong”.

In his closing statement, Huckabee teed it up like this: “It seems like this election has been a whole lot about a person who’s very high in the polls, but doesn’t have a clue about how to govern”.

The United States, Huckabee said, has “forgotten why we have a military, the objective of it”. He’s also a committed defender of traditional marriage, and has signed a pledge in opposition to the current case in the Supreme Court. “And let me go further”. “I was going to say to the host, ‘Hey guys”. I believe that every single human being is entitled to the protection of our laws, whether they can vote or not.

“And I think future generations will look back at this history of our country and call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies who we never gave them a chance to live”, Rubio warned. “And of course, I’m talking about Hillary Clinton”.


“I have evolved in many issues over the years and you know who else has?”

REUTERS  Brian FrankHERO opponent Mike Huckabee speaks after the Family Leadership Summit in Ames Iowa in August