
Huckabee heading to Israel to raise money, discuss Iran deal

Whether Mainumby’s pregnancy posed a threat to her life has been hotly debated, as medical experts say that girls under the age of 15 are more at risk for complications during childbirth.


But Huckabee said the trip will be focused on meeting with Israeli officials to discuss the Iran nuclear deal – which he and the rest of the GOP field opposes.

Pro-choice advocates have been calling for a change in Republican views on abortion, noting the recent case of an 11-year old girl in Paraguay who became pregnant after being raped by her stepfather. “And that’s really the issue”, Huckabee said.

The former Arkansas governor recalled that he had known a man who was born as the result of a rape after doctors in Texas refused to give his mother an abortion.

“There are two victims”.

Huckabee said Sunday that he has campaign organizers in 71 out of Iowa’s 99 counties, along with 32 of 46 counties in South Carolina, another early voting state where Huckabee finished a close second in 2008 to eventual nominee John McCain. “One is the child, the other is that birth mother, who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened, with the baby, with her”.

Huckabee responded: “No, it isn’t easy”.

Mike Huckabee wants the media attention that Donald Trump commands.


CNN host Dana Bash appeared to question Huckabee’s position as well, pressing him on whether it would be easy “looking in the eyes of a 10-year-old girl and saying, ‘you had a disgusting thing happen to you, and you’re going to have carry it out for the next nine months”. “I don’t think we discount the intrinsic worth of any human being, and I don’t know where else to go with it”.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee