
Huckabee invokes ‘prostitutes, pimps’ in debate remarks

Well, tonight at the Republican debate, Huckabee was asked about transgenders being able to join the United States military soon.


Mike Huckabee (R) went off on a weird tangent during the inaugural GOP presidential debate, turning his own earlier attack on Social Security into a defense of the program saying it is “troubled” because it is underfunded due to “freeloaders”.

President Obama is sticking to his remarks that Republicans opponents of the Iran deal are making common cause with Iranian hardliners who yell “Death to America”.

“The people who get wages is declining dramatically”, Huckabee said in an exchange with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. “He’s just wrong.” Christie answered.

The problem with Huckabee’s argument is that the question isn’t whether trans soldiers should serve, but whether they should be allowed to serve openly.

Those people, the former Arkansas governor said, don’t pay into the Social Security system because they do not pay payroll taxes. Christie’s plan, he has said, would not affect people now in or near retirement.

Huckabee instead proposed taxing unearned income like the dividends that he said make up a disproportionate share of wealthy Americans’ income.


The problem, according to him, is all those “illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, all the people that are freeloading off the system now”.

Huckabee: Purpose of Military is 'to Kill People and Break Things'