
Huckabee uses Holocaust imagery in opposition to Iran deal

“When I talked about the oven door, I have stood at the oven door”, Huckabee said.


“The use of that kind of language is just wrong”, Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told reporters after a town-hall-style meeting here, as reported by the New York Times.

“What’s “ridiculous and sad” is that President Obama does not take Iran’s repeated threats seriously”, Huckabee said.

“I will not apologize and I will not recant because the word Holocaust was invoked by the Iranian government”, said Huckabee. “But looking back, I think that maybe the metaphor is not a good one”, Huckabee said.

Huckabee and other GOP presidential candidates have pledged to undo the deal, which the United States and five other world powers struck with Iran this month after weeks of negotiations in Vienna.

“Traveling in Africa, he insisted Americans deserve better, scolding Republicans like Trump and Huckabee for a series of campaign trail attacks”.

Trump, whose poll numbers are on the rise, has drawn consternation from the Republican Party over provocative comments hes made about immigrants and his GOP rivals, which a few Republicans say could hurt the partys prospects in 2016.

The Republican contest has grown increasingly bitter in recent days as the 16 candidates vying for the party’s nomination struggle to get their message across.

He went on: “We forget Iranians have never kept a deal in 36 years under the ayatollah”.

President Obama has stayed quiet about the Republican presidential field until now, but now he’s singling out former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump.

And, on top of all that, Trump is still in the news.

“There are serious issues to be debated here but for anybody to equate what the president’s doing to what Adolph Hitler did in World War II is just extraordinary”, Kurtzer said on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes”. He also singled out for ridicule Cruz, the Texas senator, for saying the nuclear deal makes Obama – not Iran – the leading state sponsor of terrorism.


“It should be repudiated by every person of good faith and concern about the necessity to keep our political dialogue about the facts and within suitable boundaries”, Clinton added.

President Barack Obama delivers remarks at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit at the United Nations compound in Nairobi