
HUD Secetary Julián Castro endorsing Hillary Clinton in San Antonio

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro will formally endorse Hillary Clinton for president at a midday rally Thursday at Historic Sunset Station.


Castro’s pending announcement of his endorsement of Clinton for president was first announced by Buzzfeed, according to CNN.

Roberts later asked Castro about the possibility of a Clinton/Castro ticket and he initially said “I doubt that’s going to happen”. “And then they disappear the rest of the time”, Clinton said to a heavily Latino audience.

Latinos voters have long supported Clinton.

“Through the years, she always, always has been there for us, and today we’re here for her”, Castro said.

Clinton said a man recently told her that he was supporting her because of her equal pay proposals.

Latinos are a crucial voting bloc Clinton is looking to as a bulwark against Vermont Sen.

Introducing her as the country’s next “Democratic nominee and the next president of the United States”, Castro cast Clinton as the candidate best prepared to address the immigration system and someone who has “has a strong vision for America’s future”.

Hillary Clinton on Thursday sought to build on her support among Hispanic voters while ripping Republicans for opposing immigration reform, singling out Donald Trump for his controversial remarks about illegal immigrants.

“Well, I think really highly of him and I am thrilled to have his endorsement today”.

She and her husband Bill lived in San Antonio in the 1970s, while working for George McGovern’s presidential campaign.

“I believe that he would also make a fantastic president”, Castro said of Biden on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports”.

“It’s flattering”, he said of the speculation at an event in Kansas City in July, “but there really is not anything to make of it. …”

Her Latinos for Hillary effort has already taken Clinton to South Florida, and she arranged watch parties geared toward garnering Hispanic support during Tuesday’s debate in Las Vegas. It’s the one that led me to knock on those doors in the Valley and to walk on the streets of San Antonio. “You’re our neighbors, our friends, our families”, Clinton said, criticizing her Republican rivals for what she characterized as inflammatory rants against illegal immigration.

The number of Latino voters has been rising steadily over the past few decades and could play a pivotal role in the 2016 election, said Mark Hugo Lopez, director of Hispanic research at the Pew Research Center. And recent polling shows Clinton far ahead of Sanders with non-white voters.


Earlier this month, Sanders spoke at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual Public Policy Conference.

Does Hillary Clinton Want Julian Castro As Her Running Mate