
Hudson Schools celebrates National Bike to School Day May 4

Dozens of Forest Park Elementary School students may have had to dodge a few raindrops Wednesday morning, but Bike to School Day was a success.


More than 100 schools across the state are participating in Bike to School Day, a national effort to disrupt boring transportation routines and get children’s energy levels up for better learning in school. “In fact we had to make plans to store them inside the building because we had so many students bike”. Some schools have even banned students from biking or walking.

K – 8 students who live one to two miles from their schools and have a safe path are encouraged to walk or bike to school.

Organizer for the school, Steven Hardy-Braz says the goal is to promote healthier, safer, and active living in our area.

The growing popularity of Bike to School Day in North Carolina is due in large part to Active Routes to School, a partnership project between the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the North Carolina Division of Public Health.

The event is held as part of National Bike Month.


Joining schools from across the country, C-U Safe Routes to School Project, Champaign County Bikes, the Cities of Urbana and Champaign, and schools in Champaign and Urbana will celebrate the May 4 event. In Virginia, more than 145 schools have registered on the official website, to host their own events.

Fifth annual Bike to School Day is Wednesday