
Huge improvements made to Google Voice transcription accuracy

And it’s working. “Thanks to those who participated, we are happy to announce an improved voicemail system in Google Voice and Project Fi that delivers more accurate transcriptions”, Google stated in a blog post. That’s why the company set out on an initiative to improve things, asking users to share some voicemails to help tune the system.


According to Google, error rates of voicemail transcription in Google voice have been reduced by 49% after the update.

If you want to sign-up for Google Voice (yes, it still exists and accepts new users), head here.

With the use of a “long short-term memory deep recurrent neural network“, the company has cut down voicemail transcription errors by a massive 49%.


Having improved Google Voice transcriptions is going to be a godsend for those of us who get a lot of calls – and don’t usually pick them up. To begin receiving these new improvements, you don’t have to do anything at all. Even if you use Hangouts quite often, Google Voice may still be an installed app on your device, and that’s probably because it still holds some use to you. The first main task the brain was put to was organizing your photos, but now it will transcribe your voicemails too. Just keep using Google Voice and Project Fi as you always have, and you should notice that your voicemail transcriptions are suddenly less horrid.

Google Lowers 'Voice' Transcription Errors By 49% |