
Huge Overwatch Action Figures Are Showing Up Around the World

Blizzard is certainly sparing no expense when it comes to hyping its upcoming brand new IP Overwatch.


USA gamers who intend to buy the physical version of Blizzard’s Overwatch will be able to get their hands on the game a day early.

A week ago, Blizzard announced that the Overwatch open beta drew a whopping 9.7 million players on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Average match length was less than 10 minutes across the board, no matter which game mode, which does coincide with a lot of people wishing matches were just a tad bit longer, but there’s something strangely addicting about short matches. Additionally, the top four most picked heroes for each class were: Soldier: 76 (offense), Widowmaker (defense), Reinhardt (tank) and Mercy (support).

You can find more of these stats in the infographic below. As it goes live at breakfast time in South Korea at 8:00 a.m., players on the east coast of the United States will be finishing up dinner at 7:00 p.m. the day before, just in time to sit down and play a few post-meal matches. Ultimately pretty close, and that does coinciding with Hanzo seeming more popular.

Here’s how much time players spent in Overwatch’s open beta. On average, players nearly got to level 9. It also has a “Try Me” button that plays sound, though Bluejacket said it was muffled. It was quite a bit more than never.


That and they’re fun to read.

Overwatch launch times revealed