
Huma Abedin Takes a Reluctant Turn in the Spotlight

It’ll be weeks before the public learns anything about what’s in that dump – but Monday brought plenty of dirt from yet another stash of e-mails, ones that top Hillary aide Huma Abedin sent or received on her clintonemail and other non-State accounts.


The magazine’s views have continually clashed with the ideological principles in which Clinton has rooted her political career, including articles embracing anti-Western, homophobic, anti-feminist and anti-Semitic views. She was editor when they published, “Pushing (mothers) out into the open labor market is a clear demonstration of a lack of respect of womanhood and motherhood”.

“She wasn’t paid – did little to no work”, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in an email to CNN. Huma is now vice chair of Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA), is associated with the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), which was founded by Abedin’s parents in 1978 to promote traditional Islamic norms and offer critiques of contemporary Western culture.

Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin worked for a radical Muslim journal for 12 years that criticized women’s rights and blamed the USA for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to the New York Post. She began her career as an intern in the White House in 1996, when Hillary Clinton was first lady, and was assigned as back-up to Clinton’s primary aide. In 2009, she told Vogue, “My mother was traveling around the world to these global women’s conferences talking about women’s empowerment, and it was normal”. She also assured the audience of burqa-clad girls that not all American girls go “around in a bikini bathing suit.”. Abedin has insisted that the decision to store Clinton’s emails on a private server was Clinton’s alone, but she has been hit by the blowback that has come from that decision.

Clinton’s behavior suggests she is Machiavellian, and not an idealist at all.

Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Huma Abdein, worked for an alleged racist, Arab-supremacy publication for 12 years while also taking a job with Hillary Clinton.

Numerous exchanges document how Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band had only to shoot a quick email to Abedin about, say, how much trouble Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain ($32 million donor to the Clinton Global Initiative plus at least $50,000 from the Kingdom to the foundation) was having getting in to see “hrc”. If we see the world through ‘mens eyes we will find them suffering from many hardships and injustices.”. Abdein’s mother remains editor-in-chief of the publication.

“The State Department did not pay for or reimburse Ms. Abedin for this travel, which we understand she accepted in her personal capacity and not in the course of performing work related to her official duties as a Department employee”, State Department spokesperson Mark Toner said in a statement to CNBC.


What could be equally damaging for the Clinton campaign, which prides itself on being a beacon of women’s and LGBT rights, is a 1996 article that argued against single mothers and gay families, according to the Post.

White House chief of staff