
Hundreds Protest Planned Parenthood Outside Aurora Clinic

Masat’s church was demonstrating before Planned Parenthood’s Tyler clinic on South Broadway Saturday morning to coincide with the national movement.


She said she recently concluded an internship with a pro-life group called Created Equal, and said the videos had taken her concerns to another level.

The videos claim to show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted fetuses which prompted several states to investigate the organization and lawmakers to demand the U.S. government stop paying for their non-abortion related services. He said, “I think more people, if I were to confess and say in front of everybody, for me, it was really out of sight, out of mind.

Planned Parenthood does not honor women and it doesn’t have respect for human life in the womb”, McClufor explained.

The protests kicked off at9 a.m. Saturday and included speakers, prayer groups and chants, as well as signs distributed by organizers that read, “Planned Parenthood sells baby parts“. “And Planned Parenthood will continue to be here for our patients no matter what”.

“We want to see our Congress, our senators, our House of Representatives, to vote to de-fund Planned Parenthood“, he said.

Planned Parenthood executives say the organization has done nothing wrong, arguing the videos were unfairly edited. One of the videos was allegedly filmed at Planned Parenthood’s Gulf Freeway location.

“The sidewalk is only seven-feet-wide, so when you have people lining both sides, it can be a pretty intimidating sight, so our job is to be there to kind of help people navigate that experience”, said Wolfe.

Every weekend since the clinic opened there has been at least one protester but Saturday about 400 showed up.

Pro-life supporters believe there should be more funding for abortion alternatives, such as adoption.

Organizers billed the effort as the largest-ever rally against the health-care provider.


These protests are designed to shame the patients who seek basic health care services from Planned Parenthood and to intimidate the health care professionals who work here.

Undercover Anti Abortion Video Showed s of Stillborn Not Aborted Fetus