
Husband shocks wife with pregnancy announcement before she knows she’s pregnant

YouTube vloggers Sam and Nia posted an adorable video that featured Sam pulling off the impossible: finding out that Nia was pregnant before she did.


He says when his wife goes for a wee in the night she never flushes the toilet so she doesn’t wake up the baby.

Despite that necessary bathroom talk in the video, the announcement is amusing and sweet when Sam finally convinces Nia that they will indeed be having a third child.

A husband has filmed the moment that he surprised his wife with the news that she was pregnant.

Too eager to wait any longer, Sam conceived an unbeatable plan to be the first to find out if his wife is pregnant or not.

In the video, Sam surprises Nia that morning during breakfast with their two children and he catches all the precious reactions on camera.

As expected, the husband’s enthusiasm skyrocketed, but he, nevertheless, managed to refrain himself and to wait until the next day to let his wife know the great news. When she realizes what he’s insinuating, he grabs the pregnancy test.

Even after Nia pulls out the positive pregnancy test out of Sam’s pocket, she still doesn’t believe him, and thinks he brought it home from somewhere.


Just to be certain the pregnancy test was correct, Nia took a second test at the end of the video.

Urine-stealing husband shocks wife with pregnancy test