
I am the law and order candidate

“His pro-abortion position is unacceptable and would undermine the pro-life policy commitments that Mr. Trump has made throughout the campaign”, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement.


“Donald Trump wants to throw veterans to the wolves”, American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox Sr. said. “I don’t need two anti-establishment people”, Trump said. “So why would we think they are going to succeed now?”

“We will be tough, we will be smart, we will be fair and we will protect all Americans”. What they may gain in convenience could have consequences to their long-term treatment as well as the viability of a veteran-specific health care system. Yet, many critics say Mrs. Clinton lacks an authenticity and ability to connect – and voters don’t find her honest or trustworthy.

Likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump addressed recent police-involved events during a campaign stop in Virginia on Monday, and he gave himself a new moniker. “It will be fixed”, he said.

In the plan announced last fall, Trump had broken with some Republicans who’d called for privatizing the VA in the wake of the 2014 scandal.

Sasse caught the attention of some establishment Republicans with a late-night, anti-Trump tweet storm in late February, and some had hoped he would mount his own third-party presidential bid.

On Monday, Trump pledged to crack down on Veterans Affairs employees who fail to serve veterans, and that his administration would mount a full investigation into the VA.

“Veterans should be guaranteed the right to choose their doctor and clinics, whether at a VA facility or at a private medical center”, he said. That’s very hard right now with the Never Trump movement.

Former House Speaker and former 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrich confirmed in an interview with Fox News that he is also being vetted for the job.

“I expect that we’re going to have Trump supporters inside the convention getting red-faced and screaming at us and threatening and so forth and we just don’t respond in kind”.

In returning to Hampton Roads, Trump said he has a 10-point plan to improve care for veterans, addressing an issue that is of particular importance to a region that is a military stronghold.

“But I think that’s a hard legal decision, and I think that women are so important in that decision-making process”, he continued.

There’s also an idea to insist the four states that vote first, Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada and New Hampshire have closed primaries so that non-Republicans don’t get a say who how the early tone is set.

Asked about union objections, Trump said he has “been dealing with unions all my life”.

Trump has been working to fix his relationship with veterans since he suggested early in his campaign that Arizona Sen.

He lamented the “ongoing catastrophe of crime” in inner cities and argued police officers face similar “harassment” of the nature US soldiers returning from the Vietnam War faced.

Before Trump took the stage, the crowd heard from Florida’s 1st House District Representative.

“He certainly is someone a lot of people respect”, Trump said of Miller, who is retiring from Congress and has pushed measures to increase accountability at the VA.

Trump suggested that a lack of training for officers might be at least partially to blame for the two police shootings that led to last Thursday’s protest in Dallas, where a lone gunman killed five in an act of vengeance against white officers.


He promised to defend law enforcement officers, noting that police are what “separates civilization from total chaos and the destruction of our country as we know it”.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn