
‘I believe in science’: Hillary Clinton wows geeks with Democratic convention speech

Hillary Clinton sought to draw a sharp contrast between herself and Donald Trump as she ticked off one policy difference after another with her Republican opponent.


Hillary Clinton is expected to accept the Democratic presidential nomination during her speech around 10 p.m. ET, at which point she will be the first female nominee for a major party in history. “Instead we will build an economy where everyone who wants a good job can get one, and we’ll build a path to citizenship to millions who are already contributing to our economy”. “Jobs in manufacturing, clean energy, technology and innovation, small business, and infrastructure”, she added.

The speech capped a four-day nominating convention that opened in discord after a leak of hacked Democratic National Committee e-mails showed party officials favored Clinton over primary rival US Senator Bernie Sanders.

“Anyone reading the news can see the threats and turbulence we face”. Let me ask you: Have you even read the US Constitution? “No wonder people are anxious and looking for reassurance”. Indeed, Bernie Sanders unequivocally endorsed Clinton for president on the opening night of the convention and reaffirmed his support at various events throughout the week.

Clinton also vowed to fight income inequality, offered an agenda for providing debt-free college, promised to introduce sensible gun control measures, and pledged to fight climate change – because she “believes in science”.

Vice president Joe Biden also showed his disapproval of electing trump as America’s next president, saying democrats should stand their ground and elect Clinton.

Donald Trump isn’t known for the generosity of his criticism.

“It truly is up to us”.

“I want you to know, I’ve heard you”, she said. “You’ve put economic and social justice issues front and center, where they belong”, Clinton said. “We saw this nation come together like it has never come together before”, he said.

When he mentioned Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state and why the Federal Bureau of Investigation chose not to prosecute her because of the way she’d handled classified information, the crowd began chanting “Lock her up”, suggesting Clinton should be jailed.

The historic nature of the week’s proceedings was not lost on Clinton.


At the same time, President Obama urged the democrates to realize that Donald Trump is planting fear in the American people as a means to win the November election.

Gower: Trump seems so small here