
‘I Don’t Regret Anything’: Trump On Khan Family Controversy

Byrne had the opportunity to attend a rally in Carson City, Nevada; a rally in support of Donald Trump.


Trump shrugged it off, saying, “I read a lot and I watch a lot” and “many people discussed this”.

Walker continued, “After he passed away – after he tragically died – I had a dream that he came to me and I said, ‘Sir, you said you wouldn’t leave me”. Trump has been widely criticized, including by many Republicans, for denouncing the Khans, who are Muslim-Americans.

Trump’s response to Khizr Khan’s speech to the Democratic National Convention Thursday continues to draw attention almost a week after Mr. Khan, flanked by his wife, Ghazala Khan, rebuked Trump saying, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one”.

“If you look at his wife, she was standing there”.

Ghazala Khan wrote in Sunday’s Washington Post that she did not speak because talking about her son’s death remains hard.

Mike Pence handled the situation with grace and respect, requesting that the crowd quiet down.

Trump, she said, had “nothing but insults, degrading comments about Muslims” and “a total misunderstanding of what made our country great religions freedom”. “That’s what freedom sounds like”.

The Khans had the chance to honor their son by telling his story to the country.

Last time Donald tweeted a dumb photo of himself eating, it dominated the news cycle for days.

“I would say in the last couple of weeks, he has been remarkably underperforming and we’ll see whether or not he can take a deep breath and learn these lessons”, said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Fox Business News.

O’Reilly then advised him to avoid “punching down” and targeting the grieving families of national heroes.

“Our son, Humayun, had dreams, too, of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers”, stated Khan.

Trump angered party leaders earlier this week by refusing to endorse Ryan or Sen.

“It was pretty much impossible not to be close to Captain Khan”. But those who did agreed that Trump’s comments upended their political loyalties, and moved them to take action to register and motivate other voters to keep Trump out of the White House in November.

CNN said Clinton has pulled even with Trump on who would be best at handling terrorism and holds a marked edge over him on setting USA foreign policy.


At the University of Virginia, there is a conference room at the Army ROTC headquarters named in Khan’s memory, and UVA also created the Capt. Humayun S. Khan Scholar-Soldier-Statesman Award in his honor. John McCain said in a statement that the fact Trump won his party’s nomination doesn’t give him “unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us”. Smith’s mother spoke to those in attendance at the Republican convention in July and has received very little press in comparison to the Khan family. I know she’s given me no support – zero support – and yet I’m leading her in the polls. Perhaps it would be a bad idea, or it wouldn’t work as Trump claims it would, but there’s simply no sense in which a border wall violates the Constitution.

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