
‘I have a very big lead and I intend to keep it

What Trump said next shows that he’s putting his money where his mouth is, so to speak.


Iraq forces extend Ramadi control, rescue civilians
Warplanes carried out nine air strikes near Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, which fell to Islamic State fighters in 2014. Police chief Hadi Irzayij said the suspected militants “were attempting to flee Ramadi by blending in with civilians”.

While most politicians have to spend precious time and energy raising funds, Trump can finance his entire campaign with little impact on his net worth. How much of the impasse here is really about that question, the question of political power in the future? By comparison, Jeb Bush’s campaign has spent more than $30 million. But the businessman is up by about 14 points over his rivals in New Hampshire, according to a RealClearPolitics average of recent surveys. One woman, who said she was born and raised in Iowa, was completely unaware of what the caucus process in general looked like. “If the Republicans pick the wrong person I would, in fact, seriously consider running”. One is free trade, and you see Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders taking similar positions there reflecting frustration.

Gunmen attack Indian air force base near Pakistan border
One Indian security source blamed the attack on a Pakistan-based militant group, but said it posed no threat to civilians. The Western Air Command chief, Air Marshal S.B.

“If I get elected, we’re going to win a lot”. So that means more traditional on-the-ground organizing and also more advertising.

Funerals held for Palestinians killed in months of violence
During that same period more than 15,000 Palestinians and 350 Israelis were wounded, the United Nations said on Wednesday. Police said the motive for the attack remained unclear, and little was known about the attacker who had his face covered.

The Times reports that support for Trump is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely to turn out to vote, as well as self-identified Republicans who are registered Democrats.

Although South Carolina Sen. He was speaking to NPR’s Steve Inskeep this week, where Bush actually credited Donald Trump’s sort of grip on the Republican primary to Barack Obama.

“It comes out in big globs, right, and it’s stuck in your hair and you say, ‘Oh my God, I’ve got to take a shower again, my hair is all screwed up, ‘” Trump said about non-aerosol products.

“If I come in second by 2 points, they’ll say ‘Ooh, this is a bad defeat, ‘” he said, referring to media and pundit pronouncements. Nonetheless, he will start to advertise in the next month and spend some of his fortune to bolster his frontrunner status.

SIEGEL: Trump campaign seems to be adopting some other more orthodox campaign strategies. Cruz and Trump will be weakened, but, in their combined delegate haul, they will represent a plurality of delegates for anti-establishment outsiders. These voter files are something we heard about earlier this month. One who did not, Clinton, who won the state in 2008 but lost the nomination to Obama, is hoping to impress independents by focusing keenly on local issues like the heroin epidemic and mental health care needs.

National Review’s Tim Alberta and Eliana Johnson report a potentially important development: The emergence of an Anybody-But-Cruz-(Except-Trump) movement from the soon-to-be ashes of the Iowa campaigns of Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. These are big files of people’s names, addresses, party affiliations, how often they vote.

In addition to accessing these databases, we’ve seen a lot more phone banking from the Trump campaign. After the SEC primary, there are more winner-take-all primary states and these states tend to be more moderate which should allow him to take the lead in the delegate race.

The CNN national security and foreign policy debate combined with the back and forth among the candidates since is at long last giving GOP voters a chance to decide whether they fully support the interventionist policies championed by the neoconservative wing of their party since September 11, 2001 and the invasion of Iraq, the quasi-realist policies that dominated the thinking of party foreign policy experts before September 11, or the skeptical assessment of involvement beyond our shores advanced by Sen. In either event, the GOP we once knew is irredeemably a thing of the past.


Al-Qaida’s East African affiliate has released a recruitment video targeting American blacks and Muslims that includes a clip of presidential candidate Donald Trump calling for Muslims to be banned from entering the United States.

Carson Dec debate