
I have aged, not Michelle: Barack Obama

See Twitter’s heartfelt reactions to the President’s speech below, and remember: “The American dream is something no wall will ever contain”. How can I not be? He touched on his many accomplishments thus far, including Obamacare and legalizing gay marriage, declaring our country “stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started”. “This is a complicated and uncertain world we live in”, he said.


Obama also proclaimed his evergreen optimism about the future of America, while denouncing deep Republican pessimism which he warned was fanning resentment and hate during the 2016 election cycle. “And that is not the America I know”.

That Democrats are so eager for Obama to grace the convention stage is a reflection of how dramatically things have changed from just two years ago, when Democrats practically begged an unpopular Obama to keep his distance from the campaign trail.

“There has never been a man or woman, not me, not Bill (Clinton) – nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States”, Obama said to cheers at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. “Until you’ve sat at that desk, you don’t know what it’s like to manage a global crisis or send young people to war”.

That was part of the reason why Obama chose to add Hillary to his team. “And no matter how daunting the odds; no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever quits”.

Twelve years ago to the day, an obscure Senate candidate from IL catapulted himself to the center of American political consciousness with a rousing convention speech in Boston. Other speakers include Vice President Joe Biden and vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine.

In a remarkable series of broadsides leveled at Clinton’s opponent, Obama rebuked Trump and the dire picture painted of the country by the GOP presidential nominee.

The crowd burst into chants of Obama’s famous 2008 slogan.

With his last State of the Union address behind him, Obama’s speech in Philadelphia will be one of his final opportunities to define and defend his tenure with a massive audience watching.

Obama devoted a large portion of his speech to bash Trump.

“Our strength, our greatness does not depend on Donald Trump”.

Clinton is not ideal, Obama said.

Clinton’s campaign believes Trump’s unorthodox candidacy will turn off moderate Republicans, particularly women, who worry he’s too unpredictable to take the helm in a turbulent world.

“I think they are going to be behind Hillary”.

“This year, in this election, I’m asking you to join me to reject cynicism, reject fear, to summon what’s best in us, to elect Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States”, Mr Obama said as he concluded his remarks.

Wednesday night’s Democratic lineup was aimed at emphasizing Clinton’s own national security credentials, a shift from two nights focused more on reintroducing her to voters as a champion for women’s issues, children and families. “For four years I had a front row seat to her intelligence, her judgement and her discipline”, he said.


Mr Sanders had urged his supporters on Monday to fall in line behind Ms Clinton for the good of the country, but many were not swayed, not least because of the revelation that the party bureaucracy had intervened from the beginning of the process to assist her.

Obama passes torch to Clinton warns election test of democracy