
‘I may have’ backed Iraq war invasion in 2002

The GOP presidential front-runner during his interaction with Anderson Cooper of CNN at the SC town hall sometime back said that it was the first time he was asked the question about Iraq invasion.


In the interview before the war began, which was republished by Buzzfeed on Thursday, radio personality Howard Stern asked Trump if he supported invading Iraq.

In the interview, Stern asks the property mogul if he supports invading Iraq. That’s the first time it was ever asked but that was long before the war started.

On “Meet the Press” last week, Trump said he opposed the 2003 invasion and that he “said it before that”, but because of his role as a private businessman, “people didn’t write everything I said”.

CHUCK TODD: But I am curious of the second part of that quote – The first time it was, “I wish the first time it was done correctly”. Trump also said that he would declassify the entire 9/11 Commission Report, telling Hannity “When that’s open, I think you’ll find out that Saudi Arabia had a lot to do with the ripping down of the World Trade Center”. “I wasn’t a politician”. By the time the war started I was against and in 2003 you have evidence that I was against and I’ve been against it for years.

The clip was found by BuzzFeed and posted online.

“We still don’t know what Iraq is up to or whether it has the material to build nuclear weapons”, he said.

Trump has also accused former President George W. Bush, brother of primary rival Jeb Bush, of lying about the rationale for the invasion.

“He went in, he taught them a lesson”, Trump said.

That Trump would lie about this should come as no surprise.

Trump continued Friday to decry Bush’s decision to enter Iraq, telling “Today’s” Matt Lauer it “maybe the worst decision every made by the United States”. “That’s not keeping us safe”.

Trump, a Presbyterian, initially responded by saying, “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful”.


“Michael Jackson was actually a very good friend of mine”, Trump said. “I think that it wasn’t done correctly. Then shortly after that I started saying – I started really studying and looking at it – I didn’t like it because you’re going to ruin the balance of the Middle East. Which is what happened”. “I think that he heard one side of the story, which is probably by the Mexican government”.

Jeb Bush South Carolina primary