
I saw many people celebrating 9/11

Trump also doubled down on his unproven claim that Muslims in New Jersey celebrated the 9/11 attacks on the United States.


In an interview Tuesday with Bret Baier on Fox News, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he didn’t recall Muslims celebrating in Jersey City. “You bet your ass I would”, the candidate said of the practice, which is considered torture under worldwide conventions.

Carson: I saw the film of it, yes.

The Donald Trump campaign, meanwhile, continues along their usual path of declaring that the exact facts of things do not matter. Then, a few hours later with Megyn Kelly: Nope, he only saw footage of Muslims overseas celebrating.

“I’m like a guy with vision”, the Republican presidential front-runner said.

Among Iowa Republican Caucus-goers, 26 percent say they “would definitely not support” Bush, with 23 percent saying “no way” to Trump.

But Trump said he’d received hundreds of calls and tweets in recent days from people telling him they’d also witnessed the scenes he described.

Presidential prognosticators are long past the point of declaring that any particular outlandish policy endorsement or unsubstantiated claim would be the one that would doom Trump’s seemingly far-fetched 2016 candidacy.

“There were unequivocally people – not just in the Boston area, but around the country – who were happy, if you can believe this, with the devastation that was caused on 9/11”. It was well covered at the time, I know they don’t like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. “I really think that would be a stretch”.

We don’t know what Carson was thinking about when he was answering the questions, but the exchange between two reporters and Carson could not have been more clear.

Birmingham Police Lt. Sean Edwards, the department’s public information officer, told CNN that Southall is known to local law enforcement and “is always the agitator”. I don’t know if on the basis of that you can say all Muslims are bad people.

The economy and jobs are the most important issues in deciding who they will support, according to 25 percent of likely GOP caucusgoers.


Loras Schulte is so excited about Cruz that he resigned last week from the state’s central committee with the Iowa Republican Party, a position that requires its members to remain neutral.

Trumps Vows to Bring Back Waterboarding in Fight against ISIS