
I should have let Cruz get ‘ripped’ off stage

But although fear was not a surprising theme, it certainly did reach new heights in Trump’s speech. He relied heavily on out-of-context statistics, some of which have also been found to be baseless after further inspection by fact-checkers from both the Democratic party, as well as several journalistic organisations.


When the election campaign took off in early 2015, many believed that an outsider like Donald Trump, who had no experience in politics, was just fooling around and would soon quit the race. Even columnist and conservative legend George Will – the man who helped Reagan steal the 1980 election from then President Jimmy Carter – quit the Republican Party. These people, who feel left out, have been blindly supporting Trump. This is very similar to the message the Clinton team told to Bernie Sanders’ supporters. Joni Ernst, did speak out in favor of Trump at the convention, but spent more time in her speech Thursday night outlining the argument against Clinton.

“Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn’t honor the pledge!”

People change jobs and change cities for 20 percent raises. For many Trump triggers disgust. But the prospect of another Clinton in the White House has been enough to unite them.

That point struck a chord with Alirio Martinez, an alternate delegate from Montgomery County, Maryland.

In the part of the speech relating to the “chaos in our communities”, he said the Obama administration is responsible for a reversal of years of progress being made in “bringing down crime”, due to a “rollback” on state law enforcement.

If anything, the speech was pregnant with implicit nose-holding, if not tacit condemnation, of Trump. “People are exhausted of being yelled at by her and being told how things are going to be because she knows everything, because she has all this experience”.

“Given that Clinton has been leading Trump by about that much, we should expect polling over the weekend to show the gap has basically closed”, he said.

“I appreciate the enthusiasm of the NY delegation”, said Cruz.

“The guy has a history of being just a horrendous person”. “I think the only negativity, and, you know, the hate, I call them the haters, and that’s fine”.

While Mrs. Trump’s speech is one more blunder in an endless stream of political blunders, the real threat to Trump comes from the Republicans he has alienated.

“He’s 100% wrong”, Trump said. “I’m not voting for either of them so it’s not on my conscience”, he said.

Cruz, who finished as the runner-up to Trump in the 17-candidate primary fight to win the GOP nomination, touched off one of the convention’s many firestorms on Wednesday night when he declined to endorse the NY businessman during his prime-time speech. Yet nothing concentrates the Democratic mind, or unifies the base, like the prospect of Trump. “He’s doubling down”, O’Mara said. Attempts by a section of the GOP to stop Trump were unsuccessful as it failed to gather steam. His speech Thursday was sharply at odds with the campaign imagined by GOP leaders four years ago. His eyes are on 2020, and it probably wasn’t that hard of a decision to dump Trump after the way the latter treated him during the primaries.

She also put forth what might be the winning answer for her father.

Prominent state Republicans have denounced Trump, including former Attorney General Rob McKenna and Chris Vance, a former state GOP chairman and candidate for U.S. Senate.

When it was over, Trump was joined on stage by family members as balloons cascaded from above and confetti blew around the arena. He argued in an email the 2012 GOP “autopsy” report was “classic political malpractice” and “exactly what the DC GOP elites could be expected to come up with”.


Trump is the party’s man. Cruz’s bait-and-switch rhetorical game fit into the final problem, which was that Cruz was not tracking the fact that over the first three days of the convention, the delegates had bonded with Trump.

Where Donald Trump Went Off-Script