
‘I stand with Donald Trump’

So what is he doing here? “Donald Trump is a fighter and I know he will fight for this country”. White spoke as someone eternally indebted to Trump for the real estate mogul’s support during the early days of UFC, when the sport was considered too violent.


“And third, for over 15 years, Donald Trump has been a loyal and supportive friend”. “Nobody took us seriously. I know fighters”, White said during his speech, which was broadcast live by several television and online outlets.

Flash forward to 2016 and the UFC is being sold for more than $4 billion, making it the most valuable sports organization in the world.

The UFC president began his speech by mentioning when he and the Fertitta brothers first conducted business with Trump after they took over the UFC in 2001.

“Nobody except Donald Trump”, he added of the GOP’s presidential nominee.

The first two – he’s a hard worker, he’s got great business instincts (though those involved in the United States Football League, among other failed Trump ventures, might differ) – were loosely tied to the RNC’s night-two theme, “Make America Work Again”. “So tonight, I stand with Donald Trump”. “And I know he will fight for this country”.

It made sense for the brief remarks to avoid political discourse of any kind, given that Trump’s policy positions could be bad for the UFC’s business.


With a vigorous, almost defensive yell, White concluded, “In my opinion, you can really tell a person’s true character when they’re happy for somebody else’s success, OK?”

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