
‘I Was Being Sarcastic’ About Russia Hacking Hillary’s Emails

“If it is Russian Federation and they are interfering in our elections, I can assure you both parties and the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences”, Pence said in a statement. They see Clinton as someone who may be bad for Russian Federation, but still as a politician they know and can understand, whereas Trump is less of a known quantity.


Donald Trump says he was just being “sarcastic” when he said he wanted Russian Federation to find the thousands of emails Hillary Clinton deleted from the account she used as secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press”.

Peskov said comments by Trump that he would consider recognizing Crimea as Russian after Moscow annexed it from Ukraine in 2014 would not change the Kremlin’s neutral stance on the November 8 USA elections.

Mark Galeotti, senior research fellow at the Institute of International Relations Prague, said he believed another motive for the hack – if Russia was behind it – would be to portray US democracy as venal and chaotic and so take the sting out of Western accusations that Russian elections are corrupt.

Just what America needs: a presidential candidate who invites Russian Federation to meddle in the election, and says a day later that he was just being sarcastic.

In his speech Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention, Biden used language reminiscent of the Cold War to describe Putin in arguing that GOP nominee Donald Trump is unsuited to be president.

It’s disturbing either way – that a presidential candidate would openly joke about a foreign power spying on his political rival, or that he would seriously want it to happen.

Commanders in chief and other senior members of the national security establishment speak so carefully, they often resort to the cliches of diplomatic speak in the knowledge that what they say immediately rockets round the world.

October 2013: Trump says Putin is outsmarting the U.S. Trump has complimented Russian President Vladimir Putin and has suggested he might not defend former Soviet republics Estonia, Latvia and Lithuaniaagainst a Russian invasion if those nations fell short on their North Atlantic Treaty Organisation commitments.

“They don’t know exactly what to expect from Donald Trump, but they think two things about him: One, that he has a number of advisers who they see as being relatively open-minded if not sympathetic about Russian Federation”. You look at that.

“We know perfectly well that candidates in the heat of a pre-election struggle say one thing, but that later, when under the weight of responsibility, their rhetoric becomes more balanced”. US handling of such attacks in the past has not been inspiring. “That’s why they do that”. “I don’t think they’d be doing that for one minute”. In an interview with The New York Times last week, Trump said he would decide whether to protect the Baltic states against Russian aggression based on whether those countries “have fulfilled their obligations to us”.

“I know from personal experience what millions of dollars in negative advertising can do to somebody who is a good person like she is”, Sink said. “Calling on a foreign government to go after your opponent in an American election?”

Although the Justice Department said it would not be prosecuting the Democratic presidential candidate, there is still a question mark over 30,000 messages that Ms Clinton could not hand over as part of the investigation. “We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office”.


But Trump refused to call on Russian President Vladimir Putin to stay out of the American politics and instead reasserted his desire to draw Russia and the US closer together as president – building on a long-established track record of Trump’s fondness for the autocratic Russian leader.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a news conference at Trump National Doral