
I was wrong about Donald Trump … and I don’t mind admitting it

“So I was taking heat, because you know the liberal media, they want to guard that”. Of course, we’re a bit ironic here, considering that during a rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, he made another surprising declaration, as stated by CBS News.


Ben Carson, who endorsed Trump’s bogus claim before changing his mind a few hours later, is also trying to blame news organizations. Trump says if bin Laden was taken out at that point, the attacks on the World Trade Center would not have happened. “I don’t remember!” Trump said as he jerked his arms in front of his body. Ah, I don’t remember what I said! “It’s about vision, folks”. Trump said at the time.

It is understood that Mr Trump is familiar with Mr Kovaleski as the latter covered him while a reporter for the New York Daily News in the late 1980s to early 1990s.

Donald Trump signed a pledge to run as a Republican in the 2016 Presidential election, but Mr. Cohen indicated the agreement will be invalid if Republicans attack him. A man in the crowd shouted: “He’s one of them!”

“He was adamant”, NBC News reporter Katy Tur told MSNBC after talking to the billionaire real estate mogul on telephone. This is because, according to Silver, “most people aren’t paying all that much attention to the campaign right now”.

“We are going to have to – we are going to have to look at a lot of things very closely”, he told NBC News.

“Would I approve waterboarding?”.

Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute said “one of the things Trump is tapping into with his supporters is an underlying sense that he’s speaking the truth, even if the facts aren’t correct”. You know what that means? “I believe in apologizing, but you have to be wrong”.

Trump prepared for his first rally in OH in turn by making fun of Kasich, who is now at about 2 percent in the polls.


President Obama has criticized governors opposed to allowing in refugees in the wake of the ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris, and leading Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has said blocking those refugees engenders distrust among Muslim-American communities and law enforcement. “Wow. Thank you, man. Are you married?”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump mocks Serge Kovaleski