
I would have skipped Paris climate summit

Though he didn’t reference the recent comments of Republican presidential candidates in particular, he did seem aware of rhetoric from the GOP field on the subject of climate change.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie criticized the President at a business roundtable in New Hampshire Monday, questioning Obama’s belief that “climate change is the American imperative for leadership”. “It is ISIS, period, followed closely by Iran and perhaps Russian Federation”.

“One of the enemies that we’ll be fighting at this conference is cynicism, the notion we can’t do anything about climate change”, he said. “I can guarantee you this, they aren’t worrying about climate change anymore, if they ever were”. In 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry calledclimate change “the biggest challenge of all that we face right now”.

Fiorina, who holds the No. 9 spot in the latest Washington Examiner presidential power rankings, has also slammed Obama for his claim that the UN’s climate change summit is a “powerful rebuke” to terrorism.

The billionaire business magnate says the threat of terror and attacks on the United States are far more concerning.

Last week, Obama told reporters that attending the World Climate Summit – which is now taking place in Paris – would put ISIS in its place.

“Other countries like China, Vietnam and many others are not behaving”, Trump added. “He’s delusional about the threat, which apparently is why he won’t do anything about it”, she said. The people that have Social Security with me are going to keep their Social Security, said Trump, who added that he doesnt want to raise the retirement age.


“So, no, I don’t think it’s particularly productive”, she said. “All those would be more useful than time in Paris spent talking about climate change”.

Obama'I'm Confident In The Wisdom Of The American People Not To Elect A