
I wrote Ben Carson a note after talk of brokered convention

According to Reuters, RNC spokesman Sean Spice came with a response, after Ben Carson made all these claims.


Ben Carson slammed the Republican National Convention after reports that RNC officials and members of the party establishment are preparing for a floor fight at next year’s nominating convention.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, raised the prospect of leaving the Republican Party on Friday after a report that GOP leaders had discussed the possibility of a contested convention if Trump fared well in party primaries. “I won’t stand for it”, Carson said in a Thursday statement. “If (the report) is correct, every voter who is standing for change must know they are being betrayed”.

If there were plans for a brokered convention, he said, “I assure you Donald Trump won’t be the only one leaving the party”.

In the unlikely event he were to gain the party’s nomination, the current Republican front-runner has the power to take the entire party down with him.

With Donald Trump’s rise in the polls, there’s new talk this week about the possibility of a brokered convention, with no one candidate having enough votes to get the GOP nomination outright. To win the nomination, a given candidate requires a simple majority, or 1,237, of the total.

Most delegates are bound to vote for the candidate picked by their state on the initial ballot.

Because that initial ballot delivered Ford the nomination, the 1976 convention is not technically considered to have been “brokered”.

“We walked through the delegate selection process, what states were going on what date, how each state handled the delegate process, and at the end we took a series of questions”, he said.

Still, some say the appearance of the meeting is bad for the national party, which is once again seeking to stamp out a fire that has sprung up over its handling of the primary process.

“If the powerful try to manipulate it, the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next summer may be the last convention”, he continued. If, instead, they decide to accept or even welcome such an outcome, then Trump’s leverage over the Republicans would disappear.

Third-party candidates might poll well early in the campaign.

While Trump has shocked and enraged many in his own party with his call for banning millions of people based on their religion, that proposal nonetheless has gained support from a substantial share of the GOP electorate.


“For a wide swath of Americans who are concerned by terrorism overseas, immigration to the United States, and an uncertain economic future, they see the traditional political leadership as unable to deal with these issues, and are drawn towards populist outsiders”, Mahaffee said.

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