
IAEA: Iran provides sizable amount of info for nuclear probe

Amano said Tuesday that would be premature.


Amano stated the annual prices for verification and monitoring nuclear actions in Iran is 9.2 million euros ($ 10.sixty three million).

“This is the most robust safeguard regime in the current world”, Amano said.

The JCPOA was agreed on 14 July by Iran and the E3/EU+3 – comprising China, Russia, France, Germany, the UK, and the USA. Based on the Parchin agreement, we can already predict what will happen 5, 10, 20 years from now, when Iran once again chooses to explore or pursue weaponization.

The United Nations nuclear agency chief says Iran has provided a “substantive volume” of information for the agency’s investigation of allegations that Tehran worked on nuclear arms. It has been implementing the additional protocol for almost 20 years.

Other countries, including Canada also pressed Iran not to stonewall the IAEA past work probe at Tuesday’s meeting, said one official who attended the meeting.

Thus far, costs for its Iran activities have been met through extra-budgetary contributions from member states.

Yukiya Amano said today at a press conference in Vienna. These total €800,000 ($919,000) per month. They say that would be critical in measuring how much time it would take Iran to build a bomb were it to breach the terms of July’s nuclear agreement and accrue enough fissile material for a bomb. “These include enhanced access for Agency inspectors to uranium mines and mills, and continuous surveillance of centrifuge manufacturing and storage locations”. From the verification perspective, the implementation of the JCPOA is a clear net gain. Iran refused, and in large part, the IAEA acquiesced.

“Under any standards, you can not take your own samples”, he said. All activities under the roadmap are to be completed by 15 October. “It could be even misleading to provide a partial assessment”.

After all, the nuclear weapons program at Parchin has (presumably) been dormant for years, and so this accessing the site was simply about resolving questions about long-past behavior.

Concerns emerged last week over the strength of the IAEA road map agreement, however.

Lest we forget, at that time, both the respected scientists of ISIS led by David Albright and the US envoy to UN, John Bolton, made a huge public fuss about Parchin and none of them were willing to admit a mistake after the IAEA issued its reports, e.g., in February, 2006, confirming the falsehood of those baseless allegations.


If and when the JCPOA is implemented, Amano said, Iran’s nuclear activities will be reduced. Old habits die hard and clearly the new focus on Parchin is made of the same tissue of propaganda aimed at smearing Iran and undermining the recent nuclear agreement.

Nuclear watchdog seeks to soothe concerns on Iran probe