
IDF soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian during arrest raid

He had run downstairs to see what was happening when troops stormed in to arrest his son Mohammed, they added.


According to Palestinian media sources, Falah Hamdi Abu Mariya was shot after Israeli forces opened fire during a raid on his home in Beit Ummar, located eleven kilometers (6.8 miles) northwest of al-Khalil (Hebron).

She said that one man attacked a soldier who in response shot him in a lower limb, adding the wounded man was taken to hospital.

The army spokesperson said she could not confirm the victim’s identity but acknowledged that the wanted suspect was not taken into custody.

As the forces left the scene, the spokeswoman said, they were attacked once more by a mob hurling rocks and bricks and “responded to the assaults with fire toward the main instigator”.

A soldier was “barely injured” by a stone, she stated.

On Wednesday (22 July), Muhammed Ahmed Aluna, 21, was shot dead by IDF soldiers in the occupied West Bank village of Burkin, west of Jenin.

Falah Abu Maria was buried in his village, the place stone-throwing youths clashed with the military afterwards.

The witness did not want to give his name for fear of arrest.

However, an Israeli military spokesperson said that the police officers conducting the raid had been attacked.

Now broadcasting live from an occupied West Bank parking lot, a new Palestinian-funded satellite television channel for 1948 Palestinians already found its studio closed before it could even fill its airtime.

“The two movements stress our people’s right to self-defence and to a response to the crimes of the occupation, by all possible and available means”.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the killings with his spokesperson saying that the killing of Palestinians “aims to create a state of instability and tension in the region”, reported WAFA. He said Abu Maria’s 22-year-old son was shot in the legs, and another one of his sons was brought to the hospital with light injuries to his face.


An Israeli settlement watchdog group says Israel has advanced plans to build or retroactively approve 1,065 housing units in illlegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli forces kill Palestinian in West Bank arrest raid - witness - Euronews