
Idris Elba: ‘I haven’t got the time for Top Gear!’

United States actress Zoe Saldana launched a four-letter tirade on Wednesday apparently aimed at James Bond writer Anthony Horowitz, after the novelist said Idris Elba was “too street” to play the fictional spy. Idris went on to talk about the uprising of people power, whether people are taking to the streets to protest police violence or pushing through the Brexit vote, he believes we are starting to see the emergence of people taking politics into their own hands.


She revealed that she was wearing a similar top that said “I love Idris”.

Discovering he would be taking on his fellow Brits, the shocked Londoner said, ” Really?

Idris on a Luther film…

Asked for his view on the Brexit vote, he mused: “We’re looking at the wonderful word what is democracy, this is what happens here, we love it because it is our freedom, it is our right to be able to say what we want and vote and I think it’s a wakeup call”.

In the behind-the-scenes B-roll footage below, we get a glimpse at some of the human moments and playful interaction between members of the “Kelvin Timeline” cast along with the newest additions – Idris Elba and Sofia Boutella.

“A long time ago, I used to drive past this road all the time”, he recalled, “and I would never think that one day some character that I’d created or been a part of would be on the wall or in a piece of artwork like that – and that moves me to tears, actually”. 2016 generally has been a insane year, upheaval and new beginnings.

Is Idris Elba too street for James Bond role?


Idris on his old DJ name… “Just say ‘I don’t see James Bond as a black man.’ I would respect that more than hiding behind some cowardly, stupid answer”, Ms Saldana said in an interview with AFP. It would be awkward beating the Stig every week’.

Idris Elba Introduced His 'Star Trek: Beyond' Villain And His Motivations In A New Featurette