
If Hillary Clinton wins, foundation will stop accepting foreign donations

And asking, “if it’s not appropriate for you to do while you’re president why was it appropriate to do while she was secretary of state?“.


More than half of Democrats (52 percent) said the foundation was mostly charitable, while six in 10 Republicans and nearly four in 10 independents (38 percent) view it as a political organization aimed to boost the Clintons.

CGEP, which says Canadian law prevents it from disclosing its donors’ names without their permission, was founded by Bill Clinton, the former US president, and Canadian businessman Frank Giustra in 2007 to improve work opportunities for people in poor countries. It has also blurred the lines between donations and off-the-record political favors, while providing the Clintons with plausible deniability of auctioning off access to the most politically powerful couple in modern USA history.

Republicans said the changes fell short and urged the Clinton Foundation to immediately stop receiving foreign donations. As a means to obscure its list of donors, the foundation has created branches of initiatives, such as the Clinton Global Initiative, and a Canadian affiliate, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership.

At the staff meeting, Clinton said he and his daughter did not face any external pressure to make the changes, but wanted to avoid any potential issues or second guessing for Hillary Clinton should she move into the White House.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family’s charities in order to become President Barack Obama’s secretary of state.

An ABC News report in June about the appointment of Rajiv K. Fernando, a Chicago-based securities trader and major foundation donor, to a sensitive State Department intelligence board in 2011 prompted a backlash by Hillary Clinton’s political rivals.

“After all, if everything was above board while Hillary Clinton ran the State Department as the Clintons have said, then why change a thing?” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.

If there’s one scandal – aside from emails – that has been troubling Hillary’s presidential campaign it’s claims about the Clinton Foundation’s shady deals. One of Clinton’s top aides at the State Department, Cheryl Mills, was also exposed in the e-mails to have conducted interviews with job candidates for the Clinton Foundation.

The donations had become a lighting rod in Hillary Clinton’s campaign against Donald Trump, who has repeatedly implied that foreign donors had corrupted his opponent’s tenure as secretary of state. This promise was violated on a regular basis, suggesting Clinton never had an intention of keeping it.


In recent years, the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, has taken on a leadership role at the foundation. “If Clinton is elected, the foundation should be shut down”.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton looks at a computer screen during a campaign stop at Atomic Object company in Grand Rapids Michigan